She made it, Beatriz room is now tidy, and we have at this humble place 2 scared parents...
In case you don't know what the dog we are talking about, click heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee!!
So the countdown as started. As very responsible parents wanting to be respected by the little girl we need to keep our face and our promise.... (or not)...
Right know, both mamma dog and pappa dog have mixed feelings about this, so I decided to illustrate how we feel...
It is something like this...
The Angel in Us - She is becoming a little women and a responsible one. She is growing up as we want. She will walk the dog everyday and feed him, take very good care of him. The dog will never trash anything at home, and there will be no hair in the sofa. The dog will not bark in the evening and everyone will always have patience for the new Perry Dog. We believe she will make this first 3 months, and the entire time we will have the Perry Dog. No problems.

The Devil in Us - Panic.... Panic Now...She will not make it, you are ok... If she is making it, just go there and trash the place... Do this for your own sake... otherwise your resting days are over, now that she helps alot... Aren't you happy with your life?? HUM??? More problems?? Hum hum?? ARE FCKG CRAZY?... imagine yourself walking the dog in the rain, in the cold... another living being at your place... and this is not as easy as the fishes... don't reminder her of your promise and she will eventually make a mistake.... You still have a chance...
T minus 90 days... tic tac, tic tac... (fear.... we are scared...)
So what shall we do now? Leave your comments below or on facebook..
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