It all started long long ago...
The year was something like before 1984, the place was São Pedro de Moel, and one of my friends had a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K... and it was :O....
In a garage transformed as a gaming room, lots of kids, big and small gathered around a green and black screen hearing that amazing sound... and hoping to play 3 minutes on the tiny rubber keyboard.
Time has passed, more and more kids got their 48K, 128k and texas machines, and in 1988, with 10 years old I got mine... A 128k +2A in black and a green and black screen... what a work of art...
That computer lasted for many years and from time to time I still play Spectrum games on emulators, now a Raspberry Pie..
Around my 14th or 15th birthday, I got a Super Nintendo, however around the house there was other consoles, a Sega Mega Drive, but the Super Nintendo was the thing...
I had more friends with SNES, maybe that was the reason why it was more fun, because there was wider choice of cartridges to swap..
All time favorites? Mario World, Mario Kart, and Street Fighter II. Those are such a good games, that also are part of my emulators..
Before going to university I got my first PC, a 486dx4 at 100mhz laptop with 8 Mb of Ram... and because I asked to upgrade. When I told the guy at the shop I wanted 8Mb of ram, the guy called me crazy, but apparently I was a visionary because that shop closed 2 years after :)... this computer with such a tremendous power was running all sort of games, from Secret of The Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Dune II, Warcraft II... it was a war machine.. Currently it still exists and works, but I dont remember where. It lasted until my 3rd year in university.
At this moment I got a war machine that I required for university, and stuff like Ansys, Matlab, bla bla bla, however I managed to have a powerfull 32Mb Nvidia Graphic card on this Pentium 3 at 500Mhz with 512Mb Ram?? It was fast... and the graphics?? :O
A lot of games were played here.. Colin Mcrae, Serious Sam.. emulators... it was so manyyyyyy... Around this computer at my student house, it was crazy...
And then all was over... and work started... and the fun was over... almost...
Today I still play, from time to time, but as said in the beginning, not that often...
The last game I spent some real time was League of Legends, but one day I just uninstalled and that's was it... just like quitting smoke...
Any particular games you play? (played)
PS: I forgot the Nintendo Gameboy and the Brick Game.... oh... and recently I also bought two second hand Nintendo DS... damn, I am such and addict...

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