quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2019

Day 065 - Year 0 - Penguins - 6.3.2019

I have a strange connection to Penguins, somehow they just come to my life...

I was a big fan and advocate of Linux operating system, participated as a volunteer as translator to Portuguese, and I still have a running blog about it, and the mascot is a penguin called TUX.

For the past 5 and a half year I work at a company that in their former HQ in Denmark used to have 2 plush Penguins at the front desk. They belonged to some old merchandising that was created to offer the clients. I managed to get one for my daughter, however at the moment I have no idea where it is. But I managed to find this image online, it is exactly the same one.

And to add even more weight to what I am stating, for the past 5 months I have been working in an Offshore Project, delivering equipment and designing the HVAC system for an oil platform that is being developed by Shell and it is named Penguins... :O

Today I found these ones....They are used to help kids and grown ups to initiate ice skating.

I also have this one at my desk....

What a coincidence right?

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Day 269 - Year 0 - Writing Strike 10 - 28.9.2019