sábado, 9 de março de 2019

Day 068 - Year 0 - Books - 9.3.2019

I just finished a book, and "Houston We Have a Problem".

At this moment I am stuck and I don't know what to read.

I have 2 or 3 in paper, and like 20 in Kindle, from full series to single books, both English and Portuguese.

Right now I am thinking on taking another Jo Nesbø book, but to be honest, I think the translations to Portuguese being from the English might loose a lot, as even the storys being good, it looks like something is missing.

So what author or books would you recommend? 

I like Swedish crime books, so maybe I will take "3 Seconds, from Roslund / Hellström"... in Portuguese, because, if my Norwegian is bad, the Swedish is terrible.

Wook.pt - Três Segundos

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Day 269 - Year 0 - Writing Strike 10 - 28.9.2019