segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2019

Day 140 - Year 0 - Slugs 20.5.2019

Here at home, we decided that everyday the 3 of us will do a walk before dinner.

Today, however, it was just pappa and the smaller one, mamma stayed home, lets say it was a tryout to see how it would go.

On the way on our slug speed we managed to find a Delicious to be cooked slug, or the remaining of one, apparently this one had "lost his head"..

The slugs we normally find around this latitude, are black or brown, so most likely we found something rare, a Zebra slug.. or Spotted Slug...

However, apparently it is called Limax Maximus... or Leopard Slug..

Here is a picture of the remaining of the specimen we found in our wildlife trip...

For the more curious on the life of this slimy animal, check Wikipedia..

Apparently by reading wikipedia they are not common around here in the northern europe :)... it was a finding!!!

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